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I-TECH Collaborates with Africa CDC to Enhance Public Health Informatics Capacity

From left to right: Bonheur Dounebaine, Senior Technical Officer for Public Health Workforce Development at Africa CDC; Anne Njoroge; Nancy Puttkammer; and Robert Oboko. Photo credit: DIGI/UW

In partnership with PATH, the International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) and Digital Initiatives Group at I-TECH (DIGI) at the University of Washington (UW), are providing technical assistance to the Africa Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (Africa CDC) African Epidemic Service Public Health Informatics (AES-PHI) Fellowship.

The two-year fellowship will gather mid-career professionals working in computer science, information systems or public health  practice. Fifteen African fellows will be selected for the first cohort after a call for applications from Africa CDC.

“If recent epidemics of COVID-19, cholera, and mpox have taught us anything, it’s that diseases can easily cross borders and that decision makers and heath leaders in every country need information at their fingertips that allows them to take action to protect the health of their populations,” said Dr. Puttkammer.

“We need data systems that are robust, based on standards, that collect timely and accurate data and allow for the integration and visualization of these data so that it can feed into public health decision making,” she continued. “To get there, we first need the people who can lead and manage these systems.”

The AES-PHI fellowship is a part of three tracks: applied field epidemiology, public health informatics, and leadership in laboratory science. These fields are critically important to respond to both epidemics within countries and pandemics that cross borders—the fellowship will address working across these disciplines so that the best information can be brought to bear in solving public health challenges.

The PHI curriculum includes topics such as data collection methods, data systems, interoperability, data science and machine learning. The innovative training model is 80% practical and 20% instructional, delivered through virtual sessions and in-person training at Africa CDC in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Practical learning intervals will be hosted at designated sites, including in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, and Zambia. Each fellow will be placed within a national health institute or ministry of health and have opportunities to apply their learning in practice.

The fellowship structure and curriculum are built on a series of consultative planning workshops with a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) convened by Africa CDC. The AES-PHI TAG includes representatives from Africa CDC, the Pan African Health Informatics Association (HELINA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PATH, UW, Resolve to Save Lives, the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), and numerous faculty members from African universities.

“Health informatics is a novel field of study in most African countries,” said Anne Njoroge, project lead for the DIGI/UW team and Africa TAG member. “As such, there is a clear gap in the number of highly skilled health informatics professionals, especially in the public sector. Accelerating the pipeline for these professionals through AES-PHI will be critical for digital transformation of public health in Africa.”

DIGI has worked with the TAG, Africa CDC workforce development team, PATH, and CDC to standardize competencies and develop and validate the AES-PHI curriculum for in-person and virtual learning. DIGI has also supported hosting of the curriculum within Africa CDC’s online learning management system, the AES-PHI application process, faculty recruitment, host site and mentor orientation, and program monitoring and evaluation.

“I have seen such great excitement among my colleagues across the African continent,” said Robert Oboko, faculty in the Department of Computing and Informatics at the University of Nairobi and Africa TAG member. “These trained professionals will lead the way toward strengthening health information systems across the African continent.”


I-TECH Staff and Students Recognized for Outstanding Contributions at UW

Awards of Excellence, 2021
Photo Credit: University of Washington

Every year, the University of Washington (UW) recognizes faculty, staff, and students for their contributions and dedication through the Awards of Excellence and the Husky 100. This year, the International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH), a center within the Department of Global Health (DGH) at UW, is proud to have four of its staff members nominated for two awards and a doctoral student named as one of the Husky 100. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners!

Outstanding Staff Award (UW DGH)

The Outstanding Staff Award honors DGH staff who demonstrate innovation, creativity, integrity, and a commitment to creating and sustaining a climate of equity, justice, and anti-racism.

  • Maya Beal, Director of Finance and Operations
  • Marisa Van Osdale, Senior Program Manager
  • Melanie Rabe, Accounts Payable Specialist

Read their nominations on the DGH website.

Excellence in Global Engagement Awards (UW Office of Global Affairs)

The UW Excellence in Global Engagement Award honors select UW faculty and staff for their leadership in global engagement.

  • Ruth Levine, Regional Program Lead

Read Ruth’s nomination on the Office of Global Affairs website.

Husky 100 (UW)

Each year, the UW recognizes 100 students for the Husky 100 who are making an impact in the UW community, both inside and outside of the classroom, and who are making the most of their Husky experience.

  • Patience Komba, Doctor of Global Health Leadership and Practice (DrGH) & HIS Evaluation Specialist – Digital Initiatives Group at I-TECH (DIGI)

Read Patience’s Husky 100 profile.

New I-TECH Publication Shows Effectiveness of Index Testing Program in Ukraine

Index testing is a is a key strategy to identify and support those most at risk of acquiring HIV.1 Within the index testing framework, exposed contacts (i.e., sexual partners, biological children and anyone with whom a needle was shared) of an HIV-positive person (i.e., index client), are elicited and offered HIV testing services.

From 2019 to 2021, the I-TECH team in Ukraine provided increased technical assistance for 39 state healthcare facilities in 11 high HIV-burden regions to advance assisted partner notification/services and index testing.

In a recently published study in BMJ Open, the I-TECH team—along with representatives from the Public Health Center at the Ukrainian Ministry of Health—describe the success of this scaled program in index testing.

“Index case testing is crucial in reaching out to exposed contacts of individuals living with HIV, notifying them, and offering HIV testing,” said Anna Shapoval, I-TECH Ukraine Country Representative. “This approach is particularly important and effective in the context of Ukrainian national HIV response where, despite numerous successes, we still struggle to close HIV testing gap and reach out to people living with HIV earlier rather than later with proper treatment and support.”

I-TECH developed exhaustive standard operating procedures for index testing; thoroughly trained healthcare teams on the index testing algorithm; as well as provided consistent and regular methodological support as part of its index testing program.

The study includes clients enrolled in index testing services in 2020, who had with both recent (<6 months) and previously established (≥6 months) HIV diagnoses. Ukraine’s physician-led model involves a cascade of steps including voluntary informed consent, partner elicitation, selection of partner notification method and follow-up with clients to ensure partners are notified, tested for HIV, and linked to HIV prevention and treatment services, as needed.

“Ukraine’s index testing services were rolled out as a standard part of Ukraine’s HIV service package at the targeted governmental health facilities, and carried out by existing physicians,” said Alyona Ihnatiuk, Strategic Information Lead for I-TECH Ukraine and lead author of the study. “At each supported facility, one or two staff members were designated as focal persons for case management and follow-up. This integrated, physician-led model was streamlined to target index cases with both recent and established HIV diagnosis, to arrive at a high number of new cases of HIV identified.”

There were 976 new cases of HIV identified through the study period, representing a yield of 19.3%, and 1,408 people living with HIV (PLHIV) have been identified throughout the two-year index testing program.

Of 14,525 index clients offered index testing, 51.9% accepted, of whom 98.3% named at least one sexual partner, injection partner, or biological child. Clients named 8,448 unique partners; HIV case finding was highest among clients with recent HIV diagnosis and among people who inject drugs (PWID), and lower among clients with established HIV diagnosis. More than 90% of all partners with new HIV diagnoses were linked to care.

“The BMJ Open study confirms that comprehensive assisted partner notification services and index testing are highly effective in identifying people living with HIV,” says Ms. Shapoval, “as well as tracing previously diagnosed partners and supporting their linkage to care. I-TECH was honored to contribute to the design and implementation of this vital intervention in Ukraine early on and see it gradually rolled out across the country with multiple partners successfully implementing it now.”

  1. Golden M, et al. Partner notification for sexually transmitted infections including HIV infection: an evidence-based assessment. Sexually transmitted diseases. 4th edn. McGraw-Hill; New York, NY: 2007.


Zim-TTECH’s Innovative Programs Increase Male Circumcision Uptake for HIV Prevention

Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) decreases the risk of female-to-male HIV transmission by about 60%.[1]  I-TECH Network partner the Zimbabwe Technical Assistance, Training, and Education Center for Health (Zim-TTECH) supports innovative VMMC engagement solutions that are tailored to the populations they serve.

Caravans Allow for Mobile Services and Door-to-Door Outreach

VMMC Mobilizers engage with men at a farm compound in Goromonzi District. Photo credit: Zim-TTECH

Makumbe Hospital in Goromonzi District, Zimbabwe, serves a population of more than 100,000 people, including the rapidly expanding population of surrounding townships. Zim-TTECH-led consortium ZAZIC has run the Makumbe Hospital site since October 2018 and supports the VMMC team there.

This population within the hospital’s catchment area primarily comprises informal traders selling necessities such as groceries, garden produce, or second-hand clothes, while others run at-home small businesses that manufacture furniture, iron and steel products, and other wares.

“It’s difficult for economically active young men to leave their businesses and attend to VMMC at a venue away from their premises or market,” said Lewis Masimba, VMMC Program Manager at Zim-TTECH.

In light of this challenge, the team implemented a mobile caravan, which could increase the number of men receiving circumcisions by taking services out of the medical facility and bringing them closer to the concentrated settlements of Domboshava Showground, Mungate, and Mverechena townships and nearby farm compounds.

The caravan has been in use in the district since January 2023, and it has vastly shortening the period between client engagement and service delivery. In most cases, two mobilizers at a time will engage with potential clients within the townships, while another three will conduct intensive door-to-door visits in residential areas.

Mobilization efforts include one-on-one and small group discussions at market stalls, small businesses, and drinking spots, where mobilizers will answer questions and distribute information about VMMC. Sometimes the caravan is supported by a roadshow van and dancers who disseminate VMMC information through edutainment.

“The caravans have so many advantages,” said Mr. Masimba. “Men are able to access the VMMC services near their workplaces, minimizing disruptions to their daily routines. The caravan has also brought convenience and privacy to those who did not feel comfortable being ferried in program vehicles to and from the hospital.”

Fig 1: Outputs three months before receiving the caravan and three months after receiving the caravan

Since the site started utilizing the caravan, the number of men who have received VMMC each month has increased from 159 to 233 (Fig. 1).

On the heels of this success, the ZAZIC teams will continue exploring other combination approaches involving engagement activities such as pool/snooker, soccer, and music roadshows to reach hard-to-convince men in their localities.

Peer-to-Peer Learning Takes Center Stage in Performing Arts Program for Adolescents

Eight secondary schools enrolled in the drama competition. Photo credit: Zim-TTECH

The performing arts have been used since time immemorial as motivators to rally communities toward common goals, to relieve stress, and as an effective teaching tool across diverse cultures and religious settings. They are a particularly effective method for engaging adolescents both in and out of schools. As teens seek independence from their parents, the influence of peers becomes increasingly important, and performing arts are a fantastic way to employ peer-to-peer learning strategies.

Harnessing these strategies, ZAZIC uses drama in several districts to complement efforts already made by VMMC teams and teachers who have previously used sporting events and lectures to communicate with students.

In a particularly successful case, Hurungwe District chose to use a drama competition to communicate VMMC and other health messages to adolescents. The goals of the competition included effective peer-to-peer learning, outreach to a large audience, and the demystification of VMMC.

Roadshows to promote the competition were held at major townships to create awareness of the event and invite members of the public to attend. Eight secondary schools enrolled in the competition, and teams of adolescents led the process of writing and directing short, 30-minute performances incorporating messages in a provided guide.

The guide emphasized use of appropriate language, the need to double-check facts; and encouragement of uptake of VMMC and related services, such as HIV testing and counseling and cervical cancer screening.

More than 1,000 people attended, including students, parents, and staff from all competing schools.

“Matawu Secondary School ultimately won the drama competition, but all of the schools did a wonderful job explaining VMMC and its benefits,” said Mr. Masimba. “Messaging also emphasized abstinence for adolescents, the importance of the HPV vaccine for girls, and details about the VMMC procedure. The level of accuracy of information was extremely high.”

Importantly, two of the performances highlighted communities that reject medical interventions and stressed the need for participation by all.

A total of 182 VMMCs were attained by adolescents aged 15 to 19 years old immediately after the competition. Those who were not ready were booked for the procedure and will be followed up with by school health masters and community mobilizers.





I-TECH Says Goodbye to Dr. Pamela Collins, Welcomes New Co-Directors

Dr. Pamela Collins

On May 26, the International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) bids a fond farewell to its Executive Director, Pamela Collins, MD, MPH. Dr. Collins joined I-TECH in July 2020, seeing the center through the height of the COVID-19 pandemic; a new brand; continued localization of I-TECH offices to independent organizations; and a strategic shift toward an increased focus on mental health, digital health, and One Health programming.

She also spearheaded the formation of the I-TECH Humanitarian Fund, a mechanism to support our colleagues’ critical work in Ukraine after the Russian invasion.

“I am privileged to have worked with this talented and compassionate group of colleagues from around the world for the past 3 years,” said Dr. Collins. “As I entered I-TECH, I discovered a network ready manage the demands of health care delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic and one whose capabilities are aligned with contemporary public health priorities—from workforce development, emerging infectious diseases, digital health, to mental health. While I am sad to leave this community, I am extremely excited for I-TECH’s future.”  

While Friday was Dr. Collins’ last day leading I-TECH, she will remain through June as a faculty member in the University of Washington (UW) Departments of Global Health and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Collins will then transition to her new role as the Bloomberg Centennial Chair of the Department of Mental Health at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health—the only school of public health in the country with a department dedicated to mental health. 

In her 5 years at the UW, Dr. Collins has also served as the Director of the UW Consortium for Global Mental Health and associate director of the UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV (UW BIRCH). 

Dr. Collins will be succeeded in leadership at I-TECH by Ivonne Ximena “Chichi” Butler, MPH, and Pam Kohler, PhD, MPH, BSN. Ms. Butler and Dr. Kohler will serve as interim co-directors of the center, with Ms. Butler overseeing business and administration and Dr. Kohler leading science and assuming a technical advisor role for faculty and staff. The co-directors will work together to represent and pursue collaborations and partnerships within and outside the UW; engage stakeholders to invest in I-TECH; and liaise with country leadership, principal investigators, and staff on program implementation. 

Dr. Kohler brings experience as co-director of the UW Center for Global Health Nursing and has been a faculty member with I-TECH for 11 years. In that time, she has led a field epidemiology training program in Tanzania and evaluated STD/HIV treatment and prevention programs and policies in Eastern and Southern Africa. Her research is focused on de-stigmatizing adolescent HIV prevention and treatment service delivery.  

“I’m excited about this new leadership structure, which emphasizes and acknowledges both the role of nurses in global health and the profound administrative efforts it takes to lead an organization of this size,” said Dr. Kohler. “I look forward to getting to know our many teams and projects on a deeper level over the coming year.” 

Ms. Butler’s 17 years at I-TECH have seen her in various leadership, program management, and technical roles, supporting multiple countries and a diverse project portfolio from health systems strengthening to prevention and clinical treatment programs. She was most recently Associate Center Director.  

“I will miss Pamela’s insightful, thoughtful, and inclusive leadership,” said Ms. Butler. “She was the right person to lead us through a uniquely challenging time. Moving forward, I am motivated to broaden our reach beyond HIV and AIDS care and delivery and intentionally put individuals and communities at the center of the care they receive. There is much to learn, and the I-TECH network is well-positioned to do this with the expertise and care that our global teams and partners bring.” 

I-TECH Establishes External Advisory Board

In August 2022, the International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) named the first members of an external advisory board (EAB). With decades of combined experience in infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, mental health, global development, strategy, and public health policy, the members of I-TECH’s EAB will help drive and support I-TECH’s future strategy and direction.

“We are excited to have such an experienced group of public health professionals on our advisory board,” says Dr. Pamela Collins, I-TECH Executive Director. “I anticipate that our Board will grow over time, and we look forward to welcoming the insights and unique perspectives of these members as we move into I-TECH’s next 20 years.”

The EAB’s current members include:

  • Amie Bishop, MSW, MPH, is a Senior Research Advisor for OutRight Action International and has worked for a range of international non-governmental organizations and agencies, including DAI, FHI360, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, I-TECH, PATH, UNDP, UNICEF, and USAID.
  • Gabrielle Fitzgerald, MA, is the CEO & Founder of the Panorama Group and co-founder of the Pandemic Action Network. With decades of experience in politics, policy, and philanthropy, Gabrielle has become a recognized voice and thought leader on catalytic philanthropy, women’s leadership, and pandemic preparedness and response.
  • Patricio V. Marquez, ScM, is a consultant with World Bank Group and a Senior Associate at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. He has over 30 years of experience working in over 80 countries around the world.

For full bios, please see I-TECH’s External Advisory Board page.

Honoring Lives Lost in Buffalo with a Call to Action

The most recent racist mass shooting in Buffalo has left yet another huge hole in the fabric of our country. We honor the memory of the ten people who lost their lives in an act of white supremist terrorism and hope for the healing of not only those wounded but also those who loved the victims, the communities that will suffer for their loss, and the national and global community that bears witness. Please remember to care for yourself during this continually challenging time.

We hold in our hearts the lives, love, and humanity connected with the names that follow—as well as countless people in the Black community who continue to be re-injured by these acts of horrific violence.

The victims:

Roberta A. Drury, 32

Margus D. Morrison, 52

Andre Mackneil, 53

Aaron Salter Jr., 55

Geraldine Talley, 62

Celestine Chaney, 65

Heyward Patterson, 67

Katherine Massey, 72

Pearl Young, 77

Ruth Whitfield, 86

Zaire Goodman, 20, was released from hospital after being shot in the neck; Jennifer Warrington, 50, has also been treated; and Christopher Braden, 55, is in stable condition after being shot in the leg.

According to reports, the gunman was motivated by the so-called “Great Replacement theory,” the racist conspiracy theory that populations with white European backgrounds are being “replaced” by people of non-White, non-European descent. We must do more to combat this type of dangerous rhetoric and ongoing anti-Black violence in our communities. It is up to each of us to redress past and present injustices, find ways to meaningfully engage in work to reduce racism, and collectively contribute to safer communities and workplaces for Black people. Please see the resources below for immediate ways to take action.


UW President Ana Mari Cauce’s statement:

Democracy Now! (For independent, up-to-date information and interviews):

Verified fundraisers for the victims’ families and those affected by the shooting:

Feed Buffalo (all donations will be used to serve the communities affected by the shooting):

Racist Terrorism in Buffalo: How the Mainstreaming of White Supremacy Puts the Nation at Risk. Thursday, May 19, 1-2 PM PT. In this presentation, anti-racist educator Tim Wise examines how overt racism has increasingly penetrated American political discourse and has contributed to terrorist violence, most recently in Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Charlottesville, El Paso and Charleston. Hosted by SpeakOut: The Institute for Democratic Education and Culture. Register here ($5-250 donation; proceeds go to Black Love Resists in the Rust).

Reading about and watching the coverage of these events can also be extremely painful. Please take care of yourselves. Please find wellness and mental health information at Mental Health America.

In community,

The I-TECH DEI team

I-TECH Remembers Dr. Paul Farmer

Dr. Paul Farmer and Dr. Rachel Chapman during a discussion with UW students reflecting on equity, race, and global health.
Dr. Paul Farmer and Dr. Rachel Chapman during a discussion with UW students on equity, race, and global health. Photo by Maryska Valentine // Courtesy of UW DGH.

The International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) and its partner network were saddened to learn about the unexpected passing of Dr. Paul Farmer. He was not only a leader in the field of global health, but an inspiration to those who knew him and an advocate for social justice. His work shaped the practices of global health and touched countless lives around the world.

As a co-founder of Partners in Health (PIH), a global health and social justice organization dedicated to strengthening health systems and providing access to high-quality healthcare, Dr. Farmer worked to reduce health inequities and provide care to those most in need. He is remembered for his compassion in his humanitarian work and dedication to the PIH mission.

“I am grateful to have known Paul, and like countless others, I benefitted from his kindness, intellect, and zeal,” says Dr. Pamela Collins, I-TECH Executive Director. “This is a devastating loss for the community, but I know that his work will live on as each of us works for compassionate, equitable, and quality health care wherever we may be.”

Dr. Farmer was an inspiration to the global health community. His legacy will continue through the work of PIH and the lives he touched around the world. We thank Dr. Farmer for his life of service and dedication to global health. He will be deeply missed.

To learn more about the impact Dr. Farmer’s work, see these tributes from PIH, NPR, and New York Times.

Kayla Cody-Lushozi Reflects on I-TECH’S Global Health Leadership Development Program

Kayla Cody-Lushozi

By Chelsea Elkins

For the past 10 months, Kayla Cody-Lushozi has served as the inaugural Global Health Program Officer for I-TECH’S Global Health Leadership Development Program. The aim of this program is to support the development of skills in global health program implementation, management, and leadership for recent master’s degree graduates with diverse backgrounds who are transitioning into the public health field.

This program is structured to directly support the programmatic needs of multiple I-TECH projects while providing the Program Officer with mentorship across the I-TECH network and supporting the transition into a non-temporary global health position. In 2019, Cody-Lushozi received her Master’s in Social Work (MSW) from the University of Washington (UW) and has used this background, along with her unique experiences and expertise, to inform her work at I-TECH.

During her time as a Program Officer, Cody-Lushozi has worked with three teams across the I-TECH network, plunging into a few of the many areas of work I-TECH implements and supports. In collaboration with partners from FHI 360 and leaders from the Cambodian Ministry of Health, Cody-Lushozi supported a health informatics program, working to streamline databases and strengthen health systems in Cambodia. Additionally, she explored how to revive Community Advisory Boards for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Jamaica in a sustainable and community-centered way with I-TECH network partner the Caribbean Training and Education Center for Health (C-TECH). She worked with community partners in Zimbabwe, as well, exploring the support systems in place for case managers supporting young PLHIV. This work was done with I-TECH partner the Zimbabwe Technical Assistance, Training and Education Center for Health (Zim-TTECH).

September marks the end of Cody-Lushozi’s time with I-TECH. Below, she shares some reflections on her time in the Leadership Development Program, as well as what might come next.

What has the experience of being a Program Officer at I-TECH meant to you?

This has been an incredible experience, and it came at a perfect time. Right before I-TECH, I was working at the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services doing direct service social work with economically marginalized clients with mental and physical health needs. While I enjoyed this role and understood its importance, this was not the type of social work practice that I wanted to pursue in the long run.

My passion and interests lie in research, especially community-centered research that allows me to work directly with Black communities in improving access to health justice. I-TECH came along at the right time and allowed me to dive deeper into the world of global health implementation.

The projects I’ve done at I-TECH have been really varied, and I’ve gotten an inside look and experience across different areas. I am constantly learning at I-TECH. I-TECH does a million things, which might have been overwhelming to a new person entering the organization, but I always felt very supported by my teams. They made it clear that I didn’t need to have all the answers.

I also appreciate that this program aims to attract a diversity of experience, background, and perspective. It encourages more than just a singular lens. I’ve been able to share my unique background and experiences as a Black woman social worker in global health. I’m excited to see where this program goes and how it continues to support I-TECH’s evolution.

This has been a beautiful experience for me. Working at I-TECH served as a great affirmation that this is the area of work that I want to continue to grow in.

How has your background in social work shaped how you’ve entered the global health field?

Before getting my MSW I already had an interest in public health, even before I was calling what I was doing public health. I wanted to use the framework and the lens that social work provides within a public health setting. I always gravitate toward work that is community-centered and centers the voices and expertise of those in the margins. These are some of the values that I bring with me into the global health space and that I hold very close to my professional and personal practice.

These values have helped me in this field because public and global health work is not always operating from the pillars of anti-oppressive practice. There’s so much historical and contemporary discourse that needs to be addressed and often isn’t in this field. You can’t be ahistorical if you’re truly trying to get to the root causes of global health inequity and injustice. Many of the issues that we see in global health are connected to issues of global white supremacy, imperialism, and resource extraction. It’s a tension that I hold in this field but something I try to do my part to shed light on.

You have done a lot of meaningful work during your time with I-TECH. What does your life look like when you’re not working?

I’ve gone through a lot of life changes these past 10 months. I’m a newlywed; I got married in June to my now husband Mawande. Being a new wife is really exciting.

A big chunk of my husband’s and my time outside of work is dedicated to our small homemade skincare business, K+M Homemade Skincare, that we officially launched during COVID. We do a lot of farmer’s markets and pop-ups on the weekends. Ask anyone and they can tell you that we love making and talking about our skincare.

In what direction do you see yourself moving after I-TECH?

After I-TECH, I see myself continuing to engage in global and public health spaces that are truly committed to community work and radical racial and social justice transformation. I am not comfortable doing this work in the absence of working directly with community members and local stakeholders. Top-down approaches have colonial and imperialist roots. I believe in doing “with” and not doing “to” and actively partnering with communities for long-term sustainability and quality health care reform.

I will be packing up and moving to South Africa in 2022 and am currently open to a position that will allow me to continue to practice in this exciting field. My interests lie in research, project management, and implementation work related to HIV care and treatment, maternal and child health, and mental health. I am also contemplating pursuing an MPH or a PhD in global health and implementation science sometime in the future. It’s been an incredible past 10 months with I-TECH and I am excited to stay in contact with this global network. I thank everyone who has been part of this journey with me!

The I-TECH network thanks Kayla Cody-Lushozi for her work and wishes her well as she continues to forge her path in global health!

If you are interested in participating in the Global Health Leadership Development Program, more information is available here.